Yachad means "together" and comes from echad, one.
By Rabbi Julian Sinclair
Rashi explains ploni to mean covered and hidden, deriving from a word looked at recently in this column - peleh.
Synagogues, study houses, and even homes are called mikdash me'at, a small temple.
Madda means science in modern Hebrew.
Dor is "generation" in Hebrew.
A bor is an ignoramus.
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In the Bible, Adam was the name of the first human and is also the generic Hebrew word for humans in general.
On Pesach we switch from mentioning rain in the Amidah to speaking of tal, dew.
Be'etzem hayom hazeh is about redemption openly triumphing over the doubters and oppressors.
An ot is a sign, and the Exdous story abounds in them.
Avodat parech is the work of shattering.
Matzpun is the Hebrew for conscience.
Katonti is a pithy and elegant way to express a sense of inadequacy before an honour or responsibility.
According to the Mishnah (Ohalot 1), we have 248 limbs (evarim), the numerical equivalent of the word ramach.