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So, how many kippot in your house?

Jack Shamash has counted up all his stray skull caps

November 19, 2020 11:58

ByJack Shamash , Jack Shamash

1 min read

One welcome aspect of lockdown is that it’s given me a chance to gather the kippot which were scattered in various places around my house.

From under the beds, kitchen drawers, coat pockets, they are now in one plastic box. I found 52 kippot, including seven in my car. The only time we use large numbers is on Se-der night, but since I’ve never had more than a dozen people for Seder, most are surplus to requirements.

I’m not sure what to do with them: it seems slightly blasphemous to throw away an item with a religious purpose. I thought I’d try to catalogue them. I have about 25 leather ones from weddings and barmitzvahs. Most have the names of the families — often in gold lettering — on the inside. And the kippot can be pleasant souvenirs of enjoyable events.

I’ve got a selection of cloth ones. My Scottish cousins had tartan kippot for their functions. Another young cousin was was obsessed with underground trains, so the kippot at his barmitzvah had a London Transport roundel stitched on to them.