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Party memories on my fridge…

The photo booth pictures on Gaby Wine's fridge bring back memories of pre-pandemic celebrations

November 19, 2020 11:33
fridge pic-a

ByGaby Wine, GaWine

4 min read

On my fridge door, jostling for space with a magnetic miniature pair of Dutch clogs and a trio of Gibraltarian monkeys, is a gallery of about 25 photos, all very similar. They are of my husband, myself and our two kids in various configurations, in various get-ups (think wigs, Elton John glasses and feather boas) at various simchahs. They are a mishmash of smiling faces, sultry expressions and the prerequisite silly poses, befitting these passport-style photos. When we had stopped arguing over who would wear the sparkly boa or the blonde wig (and that was just me and my husband), there are even a couple where all four of us have our eyes open and are looking at the camera.

During the Great Lockdown#1 Sort Out of 2020, my husband nobly took it upon himself to declutter the fridge. After size-ordering, colour-coding and alphabetising its contents, he set to work on the important bit — the outside, the showstopper, the bit people are actually interested in.

All the photos were laid out on the worktop and put into keep/throw piles. To qualify for the “keep” pile, they had to fulfil three criteria — we all had to look okay, we’d enjoyed the simchah and had to assume that one post-Covid day, the party hosts might come over and be mightily offended if the photo of their party hadn’t made the final cut. In the end, about two photos were binned and the rest were returned to their prime location among the miniature clogs and monkeys.

Why did we keep so many of these photos? Over the next few months (or — dare I say it? — years), there won’t be an influx of pictures vying to fill this space.