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I was just about ready to start dating… and then Covid hit

Rachel Smith was ready - at last - to find a boyfriend. But who wants to date during a pandemic?

November 6, 2020 10:26
socially distanced covid dating GettyImages-1227276297

ByRachel Smith, Rachel Smith

3 min read

A lifetime ago, at the very start of 2020, I naïvely informed my friends that this was going to be the year that I got a boyfriend.

They laughed at me of course; I had said this same thing at the start of at least the last three years in a row. But this year I really meant it. Previously I had felt that I genuinely didn’t have the time or energy to put into a relationship, six months post-university and working full-time, but now the thought of dating someone seemed more appealing than terrifying. I was prepared to put myself out there more, actually go on some dates and maybe even take up some of my friends’ despairing offers to set me up.

Hahaha. Well here I sit, 11 months later with no boyfriend in sight nor anything close to resembling one. A confirmed spinster at 24. Fab. And what are my options really? A Zoom date? A socially distanced date in a park somewhere? Sorry Mum, but the shomer negiah (no touching) life was never really my thing.

Does that make me incredibly shallow? Probably. But lockdown has afforded perspective and added gravity to my most trivial lifestyle choices. Do I really want to spend an evening chatting to Alex, 25, who loves pizza and quoting Peep Show? If I was picky before, you can imagine the enthusiasm with which I approach dating now.