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Making salt beef from scratch

Move over sourdough - there's a whole new haimish lockdown food project

October 15, 2020 12:03

ByJack Shamash , Jack Shamash

2 min read

The water was cold and blackened, there was a slick of blood floating on the top and it gave off strange and largely indescribable smells. And just beneath the surface was a large mass of slime-covered flesh. No, this was not the creature from the black lagoon, but my first attempt at making salt beef.

I’d always rather fancied making my own. And with lockdown, it was difficult to go out to eat and I had plenty of time at home. So now was the time to get cooking!

Brisket — the cut needed for pastrami or salt beef — used to be relatively cheap, but it’s become trendy and is no longer a bargain. I needed about three kilos, which set me back around 30 quid.

I followed the recipe from Evelyn Rose’s The Entertaining Cookbook. Perhaps when it was published, in 1981, it was more common to make your own salt beef from scratch. Nearly 40 years later, and in the middle of a pandemic, it was not easy to get all the ingredients. Salt and demerara sugar weren’t too hard to source, but I had to buy the pickling spices and the saltpetre (aka potassium nitrate, which helps the beef keep its signature reddish-pink hue) online.