Vishnitz Girls did not teach about other religions
By JC Reporter
Digital initiative aims to counter stereotypes and encourage schoolchildren to be allies in fight against Jew-hatred
By Simon Rocker
Janine Rose is the new executive director of PIkuach, the Board of Deputies inspection service for Jewish studies
Manchester school upgraded from 'requires improvement' to 'good'
They had to devise sustainable project suitable for Ghana
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The Masorti pre-school has been accredited a Forest School for its outdoor pursuits
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The annual event was back in person for Yom Ha'atzmaut this year
Law change seeks to remove inspection exemption from institutions that were previously not classed as schools
Pupils visited Ely where the school was evacuated during the War
Family therapist Chana Hughes has tips to make the best of family tensions
By Chana Hughes
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The grieving process differs vastly for each person and often does not fit with our deadlines or society’s expectations of when it begins and ends
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Government reported to be considering relaxing staff to children ratios