c. farming unkosher animals
d. shaving or cutting hair during the Omer
e. wearing a garment containing wool and linen
2. How much of one’s income should be given to charity, according to Jewish law?
a. one per cent to two per cent
b. two percent to five per cent
c. five per cent to 10 per cent
d. 10 per cent to 20 per cent
e. as much as you can
3. On what date in 1948 was the state of Israel declared?
a. April 4
b. May 14
c. June 6
d. July 10
e. August 7
4. Which of these towns in Israel is not on the coast?
a.Tel Aviv
5. Who was the President of the USA when the state of Israel was established?
a. Dwight Eisenhower
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Harry Truman
d. Woodrow Wilson
e. Richard Nixon
6. The Declaration of Independence says: “The Land of Israel was the ___________ of the Jewish people.”
a. homeland
b. birthplace
c. dream
d. destiny
e. future
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Answers: 1e, 2d, 3b, 4e, 5c, 6b