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The Jewish Chronicle

Campus Notebook: December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013 09:09
Josh Rom on the big screen

ByCharlotte Oliver, Charlotte Oliver

1 min read


Over 200 people hit Harvey Nichols in Edinburgh to attend the department chain’s first-ever Chanucah party, organised by Chabad. Store manager Gordon Drummond lit the shamash on Scotland’s tallest menorah, while student Simon Zafrany made the blessings. Guests enjoyed latkes and doughnuts, but the biggest treat had to be a rip-roaring performance of Maoz Tzur — played on the bagpipes, no less.


Nottingham University’s television station, NUTS, treated its viewers to a live Chanucah special on its Culture show. JSoc’s publicity officer Josh Rom played host as he interviewed committee members and gave an in-depth insight into the story behind the eight-day miracle. “It was a great privilege for me,” the aspiring Terry Wogan said.