Rachel Steinberg speaks to musician Debbie Wiseman
By Rachel Steinberg
Park owner 'apologises unreservedly to everyone who feels disturbed and insulted'
The signatories of an open letter say the production is an 'overt appropriation… of a culture and religion… facing a crisis'
Brexit Party MEPs were condemned for appearing on The Richie Allen show - but human rights campaigner says its listeners 'will never change unless they hear a different viewpoint'
A play about a Jewish woman who claims she's been raped, has a Jewish director who's new to the West End
'We have settled all lawsuits with hosts and potential hosts and guests who objected to a policy the company recently announced concerning listings in disputed areas'
Jack Morewood told the audience: 'Congrats to King Bibi, big mazel tov to him for his successful re-election in Israel'
Zeid Truscott 'has not complied' with a ruling over a complaint about his past tweets
Post appeared in the name of Prof Matthew Scott, a musician and emeritus Southampton University professor
Vaccination rates remain low among Strictly Orthodox Jews in Williamsburg, Bill de Blasio said
Paul Embery was criticised by a Jewish MP for comment about 'a rootless, cosmopolitan, bohemian middle-class'
Star was reportedly going to pull out, but has now confirmed
The musical, written by Irene Sankoff and David Hein, is among the big winners at the Royal Albert Hall
Isaak Hayik called his accomplishment 'not only a source of pride for me but also to Israeli sports in general'