Hannah Weisfeld
Hannah Weisfeld is the director and a founder of Yachad
April 24, 2020 09:07
Britain’s pro-Israel groups must now decide where they stand on West Bank annexation
Many in the diaspora would painfully have to reinvent a Jewish life that excludes a non-democratic Israel, Yachad’s Hannah Weisfeld argues
July 13, 2018 16:05
Labour needs to realise Jews' identity is inexorably linked to Israel
Yachad's Hannah Weisfeld responds to Jon Lansman's claim Labour was right to reject the IHRA definition of antisemitism
May 22, 2018 12:41
Our community risks tearing itself apart if we do not recognise there are multiple truths
Yachad's Hannah Weisfeld says the reaction to recent events in Gaza should be a cause for concern
January 26, 2017 16:07
A healthy community needs diverse views
July 24, 2014 14:00
Time to reward moderation?
November 16, 2012 10:28
New young Zionists are tired of waiting
July 13, 2012 12:15
The Levy Committee: what's the real price we pay?
December 09, 2011 11:13
Eviction assaults Israel's values
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