Vahid Beheshti has spent more than two years camped outside the Foreign Office in an attempt to force officials to act
By Jane Prinsley
The Israeli driver who transported the illegal resident who planted the explosive device was also charged
By JC Reporter
The suspected attacker was identified as a Muslim Russian citizen from Central Asia
The terrorist was killed on the scene by a security guard and armed civilian
A senior official from the terrorist group urged an escalation of "resistance in all its forms” in the city
By Shachar Kleiman
The claimants allege that the channel employed pro-terror activists and helped the group spread propaganda and incite violence
By Ariel Kahana
Officials said the attacker drover a car into a crowd of pedestrians before attacking bystanders with a knife
By Ellie Grant
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A German court heard that the men hid weapons caches throughout Europe in order to carry out ‘flanking attacks’ related to the October 7 massacres
By Daniel Ben-David
Adi Jegna was on the way home from work when her chance discovery helped avert a major terror attack
By Etgar Lefkovits
The controversial professor posted about being in the crowd at the Beirut ceremony honouring Hassan Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike last year
By Lorin Bell-Cross
There were no reported injuries in the explosions, which the Israeli defense minister said was a "serious attempted terrorist attack"
By Akiva van Koningsveld
Police have accused the shops’ owners of ‘incitement and support for terrorism’ but critics have claimed that the arrests were unjustified
By Jacob Jaffa
Hillel Fuld claims the media is failing to differentiate between Israeli hostages and convicted killers
By Nicole Lampert
Two of the injured remain in a critical condition in hospital
By Joshua Marks
The discovery follows a spate of antisemitic arson and vandalism attacks in the country
The move would reinstate the status after the Biden administration revoked it in 2021