The controversial professor posted about being in the crowd at the Beirut ceremony honouring Hassan Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike last year
By Lorin Bell-Cross
The UN special rapporteur tweeted support for the disgraced academic in a now-deleted post
By Imogen Garfinkel
The former Conservative minister terminated an interview with the former Bristol professor
The former Bristol professor named four Jewish schools as places where ‘kids are being radicalised by racist ideology’
By Jane Prinsley
The anti-Zionist former Bristol professor posted the name and address of Jewish primary school
By David Rose
Antisemitism adviser Lord Mann demands intervention by Attorney General as fears mount for Jewish university students
The JC rounds up some of David Miller’s most inflammatory comments on Jews and Zionism
By Eliana Jordan
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By The JC Leader
The JC leader January 9th 2024
Jewish groups voice deep concern after employment tribunal rules that anti-Zionism is a protected characteristic in the workplace
Employment tribunal rules that Bristol University wrongly dismissed David Miller but falls short of awarding him his full claims
Some of Miller's former backers have disavowed the sacked University of Bristol lecturer and expressed embarrassment for previously defending him
By Katie Grant
The former sociologist spoke at a Hastings Commons owned space last month
By Felix Pope
By Edward Isaacs
This week’s rants requires no uncovering, the truth has been laid bare for all to see
Former University of Bristol academic said 'classical antisemitism' doesn't really exist anymore
The former professor crowdfunding for legal expenses for his employment tribunal
By Daniel Ben-David
In Tehran, the sacked Bristol professor also blamed Israel and the US for stoking Iranian protests
By Ben Bloch