Magen David Adom treated two people at the scene with critical gunshot wounds
By JC Reporter
By Seth J. Frantzman
With the Knesset heading into recess, security threats heighten with Tehran aware that by stoking tensions in northern Israel and the West Bank, it can potentially derail regional integration
The Palestinian assailant was shot and 'neutralized' said police
Francesca Albanese wrote report accusing Israel of a 'settler colonial conquest' of the West Bank
By Felix Pope
Friday's operation saw two people killed
The sketch is accused of comparing Palestinian militants to Ukrainian soldiers
By Anshel Pfeffer
Military strategists behind this week's operation were determined mistakes made in Operation Defensive Shield 21 years ago would not be repeated
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The background to the latest West Bank flare-up
By Richard Pater
The IDF are conducting their largest operation in 20 years in the West Bank city
Monday's operation saw seven people killed
The riots followed a terror attack near an Israeli settlement
The terror group released a video allegedly showing the projectile heading towards an Israeli moshav
The rocket that led to the man's arrest was found in an open field
The incident took place on Sunday morning, the IDF said
Last week's operation in Jenin shows the new foes are often teens adept at operating off the grid
The strike was carried out on Wednesday, the IDF said