Intelligence gathered by Ramallah indicates ongoing Iranian attempts to smuggle explosives, funds and know-how into the West Bank
By JC Reporter
Ahmed Duabsha had intended to murder more Jews but got scared by a dog and returned home, according to the charges filed at Ofer Military Court
The group is said to be responsible for multiple drive-by shootings in the West Bank
By Faygie Holt
The sanction package was announced by David Cameron on Friday
By Eliana Jordan
The teenager was killed last week outside his settlement
By Felix Pope
Finance Minister Michael McGrath said the ‘risk profile’ of the investment was no longer acceptable
The group comprised Arab Israelis and residents of the West Bank
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The Israeli security service said that there was a lack of space in Ofer prison
Two of the victims were in critical condition this morning
By Charles Bybelezer
Under the PA's "pay for slay" policy, Ramallah disburses monthly salaries to terrorists and their families
Israel has chosen not to send a representative, saying the court lacks jurisdiction to consider the matter
Lord Cameron said that the actions of the men were ‘illegal and unacceptable’
A Politico story on Sunday claimed the president is ‘deeply suspicious’ of Israel's prime minister
The State Department has accused Levi of leading a group of Israeli citizens said to have "engaged in actions creating an atmosphere of fear"
Task force kills three terrorists said to be plotting outrage ‘inspired’ by the October 7 massacre
By Daniel Ben-David
Three other officers were wounded when Shay Germay's vehicle was hit by an explosive device during an operation in the city