The belt was contested by megastars like Rick Rude and Jerry Lawler during the sport’s cultural heyday and its lineage maps the tragic history of its founding family
By Jacob Jaffa
Sohaib Abuayyash was not allowed to use firearms but posted with guns on social media
By Ben Clerkin
Murphy was killed on the annual World Day Against the Death Penalty, following days of intense legal battles
By David Rose
Jedidiah Murphy's death sentence may soon be commuted to life imprisonment
Frank details her exploration of her own body parts and her sexuality while going through puberty in the 2018 adaptation
By Richard Percival
Rabbi Levi Teldon has turned his holiday kvetching into a Rich Men North of Richmond parody
By Josh Kaplan
Randy Halprin was a member of a gang of inmates dubbed the “Texas 7” that sparked a nationwide manhunt after escaping from a South Texas prison and going on to commit several violent robberies
By Daniel Ben-David
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In Johnny Teague's fictional version, Anne Frank found Christianity and Jesus in the days before she was murdered by the Nazis
By Ben Bloch
Mr Williams admitted to illegally selling a pistol to man 'with a British accent' ahead of shul siege
By Georgia L Gilholy
Texan Randy Halprin was sentenced to death nearly 20 years ago