Recently divorced Rachel wasn’t looking for romance but after a stranger defended her against antisemitism on X, she quickly started falling in love
By Anonymous
Fancy a free meal and a shidduch from the world’s oldest Jewish paper?
By JC Reporter
What’s it like to be unattached and female? Women from their 20s to their 70s tell all
By Meg Jorsh
After October 7, the Jewish injunction to marry and build the next generation feels urgent, says Deborah Linton
By Deborah Linton
Rebbetzin Rachie Binstock rewarded for her sage advice to couples with Unsung Community Servant honour
By Rosa Doherty
Giving your partner the space to truly be themselves can only make a relationship stronger
By Chana Hughes
By Claire Calman
My husband's yearning for the sun makes for frequent arguments when it comes to the planning of holidays
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The series will feature the full spectrum of Jewish daters from Charedi to secular
By Jackie Hajdenberg
This couple make funny, honest films about their relationship
By Karen Glaser
None of the arguments aired in Terry Johnson's new drama are uninteresting. But the people expressing them are...
By John Nathan
We need balanced judgment to decide when a warning sign about a potential partner becomes a deal breaker
By Aimee Belchak
We don’t want to get too good at being alone - we need to keep some space available in our hearts
With inheritance tax in mind, is it time for this reader’s dad to give up sole ownership of the family home?
By Rosanna Spero
We are telling a story when putting together an online dating profile - when doing so we must resist the temptation to mis-sell ourselves
Nicole Lampert meets Emily and Yoseph
By Nicole Lampert
Our matchmaker has seen it all - from glow ups to breadcrumbs