New manifesto for Labour puts the emphasis on blue-collar values with a conservative bent to renew its historic solidarity with its working-class base
By Georgia L Gilholy
Jason Stein allegedly offered negative briefings about Sajid Javid to the media
Analysts still suggest that the Trump acolyte is heavily favoured to win, but the little-known Frisch appears to be closing the gap
MRJ would 'caution against the government taking action that might undermine peace in the region'
By Simon Rocker
The far-right threat within parts of the Republican party isn’t one to be dismissed easily
The PM also claimed the government would 'stand up for Israel'
The event will take place across the road from one of the East End's last active synagogues
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Six years after the first copies of the Jewish Chronicle rolled off the presses, Lionel de Rothschild was elected to the House of Commons.. Since then Jewish politicians have been instrumental in shaping Britain's political landscape
By Robert Philpot
Labour MP was accused of racist bullying by an ex-staffer three years ago
The documentary – the first in a series to run over Rosh Hashanah – suggests that ‘hostile’ elements including pro-Israel members worked to thwart Corbyn’s authority
Fascinating dramatisation of what happened during the weekly meetings of our most divisive prime minister and our most unifying monarch
By John Nathan
On the second anniversary of the historic agreement, the two party leaders put aside their political differences
By Nic North
MPs will be asked to approve the appointment of Orthodox lawyer to investigate alleged breaches of their code of conduct
Lewisham's Damien Egan speaks for the first time, saying he fears the reaction of some in his party