The brutalist office complex has been carefully refurbished to bring his unique vision back to life
By Imogen Garfinkel
The beloved production is set to take on London’s Barbican before heading across the UK and Ireland
By Jane Prinsley
Children are taught to venerate the Ayatollah at Islamic school near a south London synagogue
Charedi star Benny Friedman was booked after JC reported his plight amid rising antisemitism in the arts
By Daniel Ben-David
But to mark the festival ‘Happy Chanukah’ will be beamed on to Nelson’s Column
King David Liverpool is the best North-West comprehensive in the newspaper’s annual Parent Power list.
By Simon Rocker
New twinning programme hopes to deepen pupil’s ties with Israel
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Cookie mountains; kosher cereal shakes, sushi and late night bagels – each of these outings was a hit, but make sure to plan ahead
By Victoria Prever
The deputy PM will assess the planning application ahead of committee meeting next month
An attempt to end the 50-year-old relationship was roundly rejected
Hillwood Shopping District has dethroned Kosher Kingdom as the largest specialty-Jewish retailer in the UK
The man was filmed from a car by a man who shouted: ‘You support the killing of children’
By Gaby Wine
This year’s Jewish fringe is more reflective than previous programmes, says festival leader
Tens of thousands marched to the US embassy to demand an end to Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza
By Felix Pope
Community members voice outrage over policing of ‘disgusting’ anti-Israel protest outside the cultural centre
Jordanian singer previously quit the Islamic festival after he was revealed to have sung that ‘all the Jews will pay’