Tamir Pardo issues warning as first reading of proposed judicial reforms was passed
By Daniel Ben-David
By Anshel Pfeffer
President finally launched his proposals for constitutional change in the knowledge that the government had already rejected it
The veteran Labour MP calls for stronger protests against Israel’s government
By David Rose
President issues plan on judicial reform but Likud-led coalition quickly voices its disapproval
By JC Reporter
London protest shows angst over the plans for Israel's judiciary is running high among British Jews, particularly among the young
By Felix Pope
The suspect, armed with a suicide vest and a rifle, was killed at a security checkpoint
By Yaakov Lappin
'I no longer trust the attorney general,' the national security minister, himself a lawyer, tells the judges
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Faces in attendance included chef Yotam Ottolenghi and Labour MP Margaret Hodge, and messages were also read out from former Conservative leaders
By Jenni Frazer
Second London demo in support of protests due to take place this afternoon
By Alex Carlile
The country is moving into very dangerous times but we have to be precise in our words
Yair Fink received so many threatening calls that he couldn’t use his phone for days
By Josh Glancy
Relinquishing this idea might help put an end to so many of us projecting our preferences and assumptions onto this troubled corner of the Levant
Two groups of airmen have caused the biggest stir in the strikes against the government's plans for judicial reform
By Hadley Freeman
Worries about the current political situation won't blow me off course from my core belief in liberal Zionism
By Michael Rubin
Benjamin Netanyahu’s self-serving efforts to emasculate the independence of the judiciary are threatening what is so special about Israel’s character
By Stephen Pollard
Despite my fears over the Israeli government, I won’t endorse the views of such leftist groups