US president-elect reportedly also weighing up the sale of bunker-busting bombs to Israel
By JC Reporter
By Jake Wallis Simons
If one message has emerged in intelligence circles in recent weeks it is that Iran’s ‘axis of resistance’ is not all it was cracked up to be. The Ayatollah is sitting atop a papier mâché fort
The Israeli prime minister took credit for ‘dismantling the Iranian axis piece by piece’
By David Isaac
The Syrian front will remain challenging for Israel – but the Sunni rebels are far weaker than the Shia axis
By Yaakov Lappin
Romanian nationals charged in connection with Pouria Zeraati attack
By Jane Prinsley
Reza John Vedadi memorialised ‘the Butcher of Tehran’, Ebrahim Raisi, as a martyr
Instability in northern Syria follows Israel's debilitating blows against Iran's proxies
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By Jason M. Brodsky
Iran is going after soft targets and a heightened terror campaign is a very real threat.
Labour and Conservative MPs call for tougher action against the Iranian organisation
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Mossad are believed to be investigating the disappearance of Rabbi Zvi Kogan
By Kasra Aarabi
There is a series of measures that would have us standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the US
By Yaakov Katz
He must seize it for the world’s sake
Announcement comes ahead of 1,000-day anniversary of conflict.
American envoy due in Beirut for talks tomorrow as diplomatic efforts continue to bring the fighting to a halt
By Joshua Marks
A second Trump presidency would bring renewed ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran
By Ellie Grant
Last month’s Israeli operation went further than previously revealed, according to Axios