George Shefi, now 93, was shuttled out of Germany on the Kindertransport just before the outbreak of the Second World War when he was seven years old.
By JC Reporter
Staff accused the show of giving guests a platform to spout ‘dangerous and shameful’ rhetoric in interviews.
By Jacob Jaffa
The graffiti drew comparisons between the Holocaust and the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict
By Nissan Shtrauchler
In this compelling mystery and social novel set in 1989 Austria, the author brings home the fact that the scars of the Holocaust lasted for decades
By Jennifer Lipman
Al Jazeera journalist presents documentary accused of depicting Hamas as ‘light after darkness’ on October 7 anniversary
By Jane Prinsley
A Holocaust survivor who developed a unique flair for music
By Gloria Tessler
The life and legacy of Judith Tucker is being celebrated at the University of Leeds
By Elisa Bray
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The mural aimed at combating antisemitism was vandalised just days after its unveiling
By Ellie Grant
Gidon Lev, who has over 500,000 social media followers, spent his early years in a concentration camp but refused to let the experience define him
The Holocaust Educational Trust welcomed the budget announcement
By Lorin Bell-Cross
The Israeli historian was one of the most influential figures in his field
By Simon Rocker
By Dov Forman
My great-grandmother Lily Ebert showed me that we must dance, even with a heavy heart
David Lammy had previously provided a promotional quote for Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu’s book
George Bourlet’s descendants attended the ceremony at the Israeli embassy in Brussels on Monday
By Daniel Ben-David
Darryl Cooper had told Carlson that the Holocaust was an accident
Former adviser to Alistair Darling also paid tribute to the late Chancellor