At 25, Maximilian Mansoor feels pressure to find a Jewish bride. His grandma thinks he’ll find her at the kiddush table
By Maximillian Mansoor
Etz Chaim rabbi says woman can be president as long as male honorary officers have controlling majority
By Simon Rocker
By Chana Hughes
Perhaps we can all learn from the strength and sensitivity of being shomer negiyah
In the UK, driving any car on Shabbat is not considered halachically sound
By Hannah Gillott
Conference for European Rabbis' initiative will offer expert advice on a range of issues relating to Jewish law
By JC Reporter
70 per cent of Jewish Israelis reject patrilineal descent
By Georgia L Gilholy
By Yoni Birnbaum
Many writers try to impose their own views onto Halachah when the reality is uncomfortable
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By Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll
The Orthodox Jews who approve overturning Roe v Wade are going against Torah law