The former Conservative minister terminated an interview with the former Bristol professor
By Lorin Bell-Cross
The GB News host shared a video online that had been blocked by YouTube
By Felix Pope
Corbyn also refuses to call out Hamas over atrocities
By David Rose
Beverley Turner said that the ‘bioweapon' virus 'causes less harm' to certain ethnicities
By Hannah Gillott
Just last month the news channel was found to have broken broadcasting rules over ‘Nazi Germany’ vaccine claims
By Daniel Ben-David
The channel did not fulfil its duty to challenge a guests claims, Ofcom has found
They have called on Ofcom to act over 'conspiratorial antisemitism or other misinformation' on GB News shows
By Ben Bloch
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By David Aaronovitch
If a Jew says it's OK does that make it so?
The term has been described as invoking 'age-old antisemitic conspiracism'
Peter Imanuelsen AKA Peter Sweden has previously come under fire for social media posts about the Holocaust
By Josh Kaplan