Friday, 28 March, 2025
28 Adar 5785
Police say they are stepping up investigations after a raft of incidents targeting buildings connected to the Jewish community
By Ellie Grant
Stephen Allan was awarded an OBE in the King’s 2025 New Years Honours List for his service to charity and the media industry
By Daniel Ben-David
Phil Davis founded the Magical Taxi Tour 30 years ago to give sick children a treat
By Eliana Jordan
Amid concern for pupil welfare, school in London’s poorest borough drops proposal following JC’s reporting
By Jane Prinsley
Half of the pupils at George Green's School in Tower Hamlets would qualify for free school meals
Police called after attackers threw rocks at buses carrying children returning from school
By Nicole Lampert
The pop star adopted the Malawian orphans Stella and Estere when they were five
By Imogen Garfinkel
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Ultra processed foods (UPFs) are harming our children – here’s how you can turn things around
By Bianca Tamman
In north London, parents at a Jewish primary school are calling for smartphone-free childhoods
By Elisa Bray
Camp Simcha supports seriously ill children with over 50 different conditions as well as babies born very prematurely
Paragliders were famously used by Hamas on October 7 to cross the Israeli border before slaughtering 1,400 people
By Chana Hughes
As parents we need to we need to validate our children's feelings, make time to be emotionally present and reassure them that they are safe