Our writer pays tribute to Paul Auster who died this week
By David Herman
This brief and breezy guide to Israel’s ancient sites is an impressive achievement
By Robert Low
Jewish writers relieved as union votes against ‘divisive’ anti-Israel motion
By Jane Prinsley
The brilliant chemist used acetone to advance Zionism in the same way Herzl used journalism, says the co-author of a magisterial new biography of the leader
By Stephen Pollard
By Colin Shindler
This book is a deeply moving account of a devastating attack and its consequences, but it is also guilty of sins of omission
Jewish writers voiced fears that if the motion passes, the next stop may be boycott of ‘Zionists’ themselves
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This is a sweeping work of storytelling bravado
By Jenni Frazer
Our critic relishes a novel about a formidable feminist
By Amanda Hopkinson
A new book sets history straight about a controversial figure
A consummate communicator, Zarum tackles medieval thinkers with a light touch
By Harry Freedman
Elizabeth McCracken on the restlessly shape-shifting novel that won her the literary award for the best book to translate the idea of Jewishness to the general reader
By Claire Allfree
A rigorous trawl through Venetian archives yields a work that begs for a lavish film adaptation
Front-page piece draws derision and outrage from Jewish figures
This is an extraordinary collection of essays about some extraordinary emigré artists and writers
This is insightful on the guilt, complicity and collaboration of the Third Reich’s fellow German travellers, including the author’s own grandfather