The meeting set off protests in the country over the weekend and the country's foreign minister has been suspended
By JC Reporter
This week's announcement will accelerate people-to-people peace and understanding between the two nations
By Fleur Hassan-Nahoum
British philanthropist Rick Sopher leads interfaith delegation on historic visit
By Jonathan Sacerdoti
The May 2022 free trade agreement was the fastest-ever negotiated in Israel’s history
They have a 'duty' to invest in countries who signed agreement, says philanthropist Bobby Rechnitz
By David Rose
The Abrahamic Family House is a complex serving as a ‘powerful platform for inspiring and nurturing understanding and acceptance between people of goodwill’
By Daniel Ben-David
Khartoum banned relations with Israel in the 1950s but agreed to work toward ties in 2020
By Georgia L Gilholy
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Benjamin Netanyahu hopes to make a state visit to Riyadh, says former UN permanent representative
By Felix Pope