A terrific performance from Simon Lipkin helps cut through the syrup in this revival of Philip McKinley’s production
By John Nathan
Established star Ben Caplan is playing Sherlock Holmes while his 11-year-old Bertie is making his debut in Watch on the Rhine
By Karen Glaser
However, the event with conspiracy theorist Ian Fantom will still go ahead, the venue owner says
By Ben Bloch
Theatre and TV producer who founded a breast cancer charity with global impact
By JC Reporter
By Kate Maltby
She has written some awful plays and some people were offended by Seven Jewish Children, but we must not make the mistake of ignoring the merits of her other work
None of the arguments aired in Terry Johnson's new drama are uninteresting. But the people expressing them are...
Playwright Julia Pascal on why her new drama centres on the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel
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Deli Segal's solo show triumphantly succeeds in conveying the dilemmas facing a clever, funny North London Jewish woman
Love Goddess, The Rita Hayworth Musical is set in Hollywood’s golden era. Pail tells us why it means so much to her
Well-sung and solidly performed revival of musical with little to say to audiences now
Katy Brayben excels as the evangelist who wins over her TV flock with her toothy, homespun charm
The Tsitsit Jewish arts festival is back. Keren David meets its founder, Alastair Falk
By Keren David
The director Max Lewendel, who is Jewish, defended the production
Tale of a big-hearted life makes for a triumphant opening show for Nica Burns' sparkling new venue
Kate Maltby covered antisemitism within the British theatre industry for the JC and Sunday Times
By Felix Pope
After horrific beheading of 25-year-old in Hebron this month, Israeli playwright Tomer Aldubi wants to shine light on the tragic plight of these young men
By Jenni Frazer