Erfurt’s historic Old Synagogue has had a chequered existence since it was last used as a house of worship 700 years ago
By Rob Hyde
A trove of documents reveals how the city’s Jewish residents lived and worked alongside their Christian neighbours, mostly harmoniously, in the early 1200s
By Rosa Doherty
By Jonathan Israel
The most important Jewish philospher in history remains the subject of a herem, or Jewish censure, imposed back in 1656
Calls for a memorial to be built for those whose bodies were dug up from East End cemetery and reburied in unmarked mass graves
Archaeologists found traces of the synagogue’s foundations and walls, in addition to marble menorahs
By Richard Percival
The International Conference on Jewish Genealogy is taking place in London
By Daniel Ben-David
By Rob Rinder
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A new festival will recapture the heady days of Jewish vacationland in the Catskills
By Francine White
By Tanya Gold
Germans impersonating Jews is not common, but it is less rare than you think...
This year's annual International Conference on Jewish Genealogy will be held in the UK for the first time in over two decades
By Rebbetzin Lauren Levin
Camaraderie, soulful debate, knowledge and the embrace of a truly supportive network are on offer at the upcoming Ma’aleh programme
By Howard Jacobson
Jokes aside, the sport, by its very nature, has plenty of appeal for Jews, as an exhibition at Lord's shows
Much controversy surrounded the work, which was described as a 'modern monstrosity' and 'an insult to women'
It was discovered stashed inside a wall three years ago. Now it has finally given up its secrets.
By Tash Mosheim
The UK's foremost historian joins dozens of other prominent figures in calling for a Westminster Holocaust Memorial to be combined with a new Jewish Museum
The site is an important Charedi pilgrimage site and is estimated to have hundreds of dead bodies
By JC Reporter