Go-betweens have been testing the waters for a potential way to bring an end to the former PM's trial and allow a broader coalition that both Likud and at least one of the centrist parties can be part of
By Anshel Pfeffer
Israel's Opposition leader fell ill during the Yom Kippur fast
By Georgia L Gilholy
Governing body is amending its rules after a Jordanian refused to fight an Israeli earlier this year
By Nic North
A report based on Israeli Welfare Ministry data shows that separating by gender does not reduce the number of sexual assaults on children
By Ben Bloch
Supporters raised £135k for the vehicle, which will travel the country to collect blood donations
By JC Reporter
As Iranian women demonstrate against repression, Israeli-Iranian singer Liraz Charhi’s new album was made for them
By Elisa Bray
While the PM talked of a two-state solution at the UN, an Israeli raid on Jenin on Tuesday, in which at least four Palestinian militants were killed, was a reminder that Operation Breakwater is still ongoing
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One of the nation's leading equality campaigners wants to abolish the male-female distinction in the language
It comes after months of escalating tensions in the West Bank
Next year 'we should focus on what unites us', says Yair Lapid
Property magnate and artist who survived the Altalena tragedy
By Alan Aziz
Scientists from the Startup Nation are solving the world’s environmental crises one at a time
The country may look back on 5782 as an comparatively uneventful period
League One side Forest Green Rovers FC also displayed anti-Israel advert boards
The area's Canaanite inhabitants believed the narcotic-filled vessels accompanied one's spirit to the afterlife
70 per cent of Jewish Israelis reject patrilineal descent