Limor Son Har-Melech’s lawyer claims Border Police officers ‘clung’ to her
By Georgia L Gilholy
By Ben Judah
I used to struggle to really hear the Prophets. Now, voices like them are so loud it’s what the Nevi’im mean that troubles me.
Far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said the sentencing was a 'disgrace'
Disturbed frontman David Draiman spoke to the former Miss Iraq on her podcast about the pressure musical artists are subject to when concerts in Israel are announced
By Daniel Ben-David
Many commenters pointed out that Amnesty failed to mention that being LGBT+ in Palestinian territories is effectively illegal
By Ben Bloch
Some opposition lawmakers were ejected from the committee room after heckling the chairman as thousands of Israelis take to the streets
Discover why it’s worth following in centuries of nomadic footsteps to explore Mitzpe Ramon and Israel’s south
By Michael Leventhal
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Pink Floyd star David Gilmour and his wife Polly Samson this week stepped up their long-running feud with former bandmate Mr Waters
By Tash Mosheim
Labour Friends of Israel’s largest delegation in a decade met with government officials in Israel as trips ramp up ahead of likely election next year
The technology could help reduce the 20 per cent of fresh produce wasted each year
Daniel Taub and Dan Patterson discuss their new play, Winner's Curse
By John Nathan
By Anshel Pfeffer
With the vote looming on the PM's legal reforms, next week will provide the biggest test yet for both sides in the struggle for the future of Israeli democracy
The missile was displayed as part of an exhibition in the central city of Isfahan
Pro-Palestinian protesters called for 'intifada' and 'revolution' as they protested Yoseph Haddad's talk at UCL
By Mike Katz & Izzy Lenga
Jewish Labour officers argue that Netanyahu's proposed reforms are of those who want to rig Israel’s political and judicial system to cling to power
Ex Israeli bar chief resigned after allegedly masturbating on a Zoom call in front of a female lawyer who had been seeking his professional recommendation