Rabbi Dee previously said he holds 'no hatred' for the murderers
By Tash Mosheim
By Tali Dee
Tali Dee's mother and sisters were killed in a West Bank terror attack earlier this month
Just hours before Memorial Day commenced, a terror ramming took place, leaving five injured and one dead
The slain mother and sisters' Israeli town hopes to build a youth centre, spring, and 'simcha hall'
By Felix Pope
By Zoe Strimpel
Though the headlines focus on drama and tragedy, the reality on the ground tends to be less wild
Though he's 'not overly optimistic about our political class' he remains 'hopeful' about the Jewish state's prospects
By David Rose
By Anshel Pfeffer
Israel's downgrading was bad news, but could have been much worse
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The Mumford and Sons frontman has pre-recorded songs for the event
By JC Reporter
James Cleverly said 'there can be no justification for such senseless and abhorrent violence'
How the Jewish population grew from 630,000 in 1948 to more than seven million today
By Jonathan Boyd
Secularists, traditionalists, religious Zionists and strictly Orthodox Jews all vie to realise their vision for the country
By Gideon Sylvester
By The JC Leader
The killers of Lucy, Maia and Rina are terrorists for whom the only good Jew is a dead Jew
The British-Israeli mother and her daughters died after Palestinian gunmen attacked their car
By Daniel Finkelstein
If the Jewish state allows its political system to be eroded until it slides into authoritarianism, it will affect communities throughout the diaspora, which rely on the country as a backstop
Tributes from Israel and Britain have flowed for West Bank terror attack victims
British rabbi whose wife and daughters were murdered speaks out against those who justified atrocity