'The phones are blowing up with requests for help. We’ve never said no to a family, whether they can pay or not,' said Dean Stott
By Ben Clerkin
By The JC Leader
The Tehran regime financed, helped plan and equipped Hamas's attacks and its military wing, the IRGC, poses a threat here. It must be proscribed immediately
By Hadley Freeman
To shelter your children or build their resilience is the dilemma Jews face
The family of the former JFS pupil have confirmed his death
By Katie Grant
The US President said Americans must be aware of the atrocities that Hamas has committed
By Josh Kaplan
The prime minister said Hamas would be left without any military capacity
The largest Jewish community in the Iberian peninsula was targeted by anti-Israel graffiti
By JC Reporter
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Red alerts were sounded across the lower Galilee and Beit Shean area
A BA flight was scheduled to land in Tel Aviv but is now flying back to the UK
By Jake Wallis Simons
Should Israel allow its citizens to be butchered to avoid offending liberal Westerners?
'All I can think about is the people who lost their lives,' says Nadav Morag who managed to escape the Nova music festival with his life
By Rosa Doherty
'I am shocked and appalled by the events in Israel,' Starmer said
By David Rose
Blue and white lights illuminate buildings from New York to Sydney as Hamas continue terror attacks
By Eliana Jordan
Uri Mintzer and Elinor Yosefin held an impromptu service in Shoham before reporting to their respective units
By Pesach Benson
Attendees at the rally, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, sang 'There is only one solution, intifada revolution'
By Daniel Ben-David
Prime Minister expresses full support for Israel at prayer service following the weekend's atrocities
By Gaby Wine