The Jewish State's population stands at 9.8 million
By Jane Prinsley
These comparisons compound a dialogue — I euphemise — in which few people listen, and many people lie
By Tanya Gold
Israel is now more united than it has been for many years
By Stephen Pollard
18-year-old activist Tal Mitnick sentenced to 30 days in prison for conscientious objection to military service
By Eliana Jordan
It’s time for Benjamin Netanyahu to be replaced by a leader with a vision for reconciliation
By Alex Carlile
Young people are being turned into antisemites by the hate pumped out on social media
By Karen Glaser
MPs like Kim Johnson — who has claimed without evidence that ‘children are being criminalised for wearing a Palestinian scarf’ — actually represent the default left position
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The CAA said the November survey countered far-left claims that Zionism is separate from Jewish identity
By Daniel Ben-David
The raids were conducted after Defence Minister Yoav Gallant designated five foreign exchange offices as terrorist organisations
By JC Reporter
Shaul Greenglick, 26, performed on ‘Israel's Rising Star’
By Richard Percival
The move was announced by the Israeli Foreign Ministry
Three more soldiers have also been killed in action in the Gaza Strip
By Joshua Marks
Polls show a majority want the PM out the moment the war is over
By Anshel Pfeffer
The Shin Bet has identified Iranian efforts to use fake online profiles in order to draw in Israelis
Bocelli’s music gave Yaffa Adar hope during her time in Hamas captivity
He signed open letter condemning ‘Zionist propaganda’ after October 7 massacre