The Jewish state faces a multi-dimensional threat, and slogans won’t solve anything
By Joan Ryan
Fernando Simon Marman, 60, and Louis Har, 70—both from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak—are in good condition, according to the IDF
By Joshua Marks
Israel’s digital ad campaign is running on streaming services and digital billboards
By JC Reporter
Half of teachers also reported they felt uncomfortable discussing the Israel-Palestinian conflict
By Jane Prinsley
A shrinking percentage of UK Jewry identifies as Zionist
By Simon Rocker
Around a dozen captives were kept there, the Israeli military said
Families of 32 dead hostages have been informed
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Judge approves gay Palestinian man’s appeal due to sexual persecution in West Bank
By Eliana Jordan
A kilometre-wide stretch of land along the Gaza side of the border could feature a series of obstacles to thwart attacks
By Yaakov Lappin
The Israeli franchisee says he has big plans for the business
The obstacles to the two-state solution are serious and nobody has a plan to solve them
By David Rose
The sheep and cattle carrier, bound for Israel from Western Australia, has been at sea for a month
New material unearthed by the JC comes as former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joins calls for the agency to be disbanded and replaced
By Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib
The polls show widespread support for the terror group but I don’t believe them. The anecdotal evidence of resistance is more important
By Anshel Pfeffer
Israeli politicians can’t agree on what to do after the fighting is over. Nor can the people
The former Pink Floyd frontman said that October 7 was ‘blown out of proportion’
By Elisa Bray