Monday, 3 March, 2025
3 Adar 5785
In January 2021, the Islamic Student Association of Britain hosted an online talk from Saeed Ghasemi
By David Rose
Senior commanders from feared Iranian corps use London organisation to pipe extremist antisemitic propaganda and to call for violence in British universities
By Seth J. Frantzman
With the Knesset heading into recess, security threats heighten with Tehran aware that by stoking tensions in northern Israel and the West Bank, it can potentially derail regional integration
By Azeem Ibrahim
Banning the group is vital if we are to protect British subjects at home, particularly Jews
By Kasra Aarabi
Latest shocking revelation about extremist Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commanders must be the final straw. The UK must proscribe the IRGC immediately
Hossein Ali Naeiri is said to be responsible for sentencing up to 30,000 people to death
By Rob Hyde
A think tank report urges ministers to have a more 'comprehensive understanding' of the Tehran regime
By Richard Percival
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Yvette Cooper said the measure would form part of a new strategy around state threats
The IRGC has been using Iranian universities for the procurement of sensitive military research since 2009
Aerospace expert gave a lecture to a sanctioned college with links to the IRGC
By Elizabeth Samson
More sanctions will fail to achieve the desired goal of thwarting terror
The foreign secretary has backed away from proscribing the terror group
By Felix Pope
Thawing of relations with Tehran’s Arab neighbours is emboldening a dangerous regime
Elizabeth Tsurkov, a doctoral candidate at Princeton University, has been missing for four months
By JC Reporter
By Steve McCabe MP
Britain faces a stark choice which can’t be side-stepped: to appease Tehran or to stand up to it
Restrictions against Tehran will expire in October unless the government moves quickly to renew them