The event will platform speakers who have previously argued against labelling the movement as terrorist
By Eliana Jordan
The bodies of four more hostages are expected to return as part of the deal
By Nathan Jeffay
Nidal Badarny made light of the plight of Thai captives and suggested that the certificates Hamas gave to female hostages were for ‘completion of a course in pilates’
By David Isaac
Adi Jegna was on the way home from work when her chance discovery helped avert a major terror attack
By Etgar Lefkovits
Saeed Hassanain also dubbed the IDF an ‘occupation army’ and discouraged Arab-Israelis from joining the military
By JC Reporter
Foreign affairs official Mousa Abu Marzouk told the New York Times that the group was willing to negotiate over its armaments
By Ellie Grant
Guy Gilboa-Dalal and Evytar David were taken to watch the release of hostages from the sidelines
By Amelie Botbol
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The two Bibas children and their mother will be buried in a private ceremony tomorrow
By Claudia Mendoza
The media shares responsibility for society’s moral failure to condemn Hamas
The Tory leader also demanded to know whether taxpayers’ money was given to Hamas in connection with a recent controversial documentary
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Eulogies at the ceremony near Kibbutz Nir Oz may be livestreamed after the family became a symbol of hostage suffering
The party, which controls the Palestinian Authority, is reportedly being lined up to govern Gaza as part of the unfolding ceasefire deal.
Some of the returned hostages are unresponsive according to their relatives
An insider told the JC that the corporation’s reporting raises ‘serious questions’ that need to be addressed.
By Jane Prinsley
Shiri’s two sons, Ariel and Kfir, have been identified among the dead, with Israeli officials saying they were murdered by Hamas terrorists using their ‘bare hands’
Trump’s hardball approach to Gaza appears to be pushing other countries in the region to come up with viable plan
By Michael Sharnoff