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The Jewish Chronicle

Reporting at odds with text

February 3, 2011 14:49
2 min read

VIn order to advance their particular story, Al Jazeera and the Guardian have had to misread or misrepresent significant portions of the text, omit other key sections, and demonstrate virtually no appreciation for the history of the negotiations.

In its report of January 25 the Guardian claimed that "Palestinian negotiators privately accepted Israel's demand that it define itself as a Jewish state." The article states that in a meeting in November 2007, for which they do not provide a reference, Saeb Erekat told Tzipi Livni: "If you want to call your state the Jewish state of Israel you can call it what you want."

They then quote a minute from an internal meeting in June 2009 in which Erekat says: "This is a non-issue. I dare the Israelis to write to the UN and change their name to the 'Great Eternal Historic State of Israel.' This is their issue, not mine."

The Guardian claims that this indicates private acceptance of Israel's demand, contradicting their public opposition on the issue. The paper depicts this as another example of Palestinian weakness and concession in the face of Israeli intransigence.