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The Jewish Chronicle

Guardian's response: Our view

February 3, 2011 14:51

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Stung by our criticism last week of its spin on the leaked papers from the Palestinian peace negotiating team, the Guardian has defended itself, calling our presentation "hostile."

But in its riposte the paper simply ignores the major areas of complaint against it, of "distortion, bias, agenda, spin and breathtaking arrogance". These criticisms were made in our leader last week, "Guardian's shame."

Charlie English, the Guardian's international news editor, rejects the charge that the paper is at the heart of a "nexus" which is attempting to delegitimise Israel. One has to wonder if he reads his own newspaper. But it is even worse: its agenda ecompasses not just Israel but also the Palestinian Authority, which the paper seems to have set out to destroy with its skewed presentation of the leaks.

Alongside the Guardian's apologia, we publish an extract from a BICOM paper (full version on, drawn up with help from Israeli and Palestinian officials, which puts the leaks in their proper context. It shows that the JC's accusations last week were, if anything, understated.