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Spinach, ricotta and courgette lasagne

Great for gluten free guests as courgette replaces the pasta leaves in this tasty bake

April 7, 2020 14:52
Lisa Roukin, Courgette Lasagne Jewish Chronicle
1 min read

Cook: 35 - 40 minutes

Serves: 6 - 8

If the courgettes give off some water simply pour it away when you remove it from the oven. This dish will keep for 3 - 5 days if refrigerated and well wrapped. It can also be frozen.

Find more recipes from Lisa at myrelationshipwithfood


4 large courgettes

2 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, peeled & finely chopped

900g frozen spinach

500g ricotta cheese

250g grated mozzarella cheese

2 eggs, large, beaten

400g tomato-based pasta sauce

½ tsp ground nutmeg

table salt

sea salt or herbamare

white pepper


Basil leaves

Grated parmesan