
Rosh Hashanah honey cake trifle

It’s worth making extra so you can enjoy this delicious dessert

September 3, 2015 08:54

Byfabienne viner luzzato, Fabienne Viner Luzzato

1 min read

Serves: 10 - 12

● For the apple compote: wash, peel, quarter and core the apples.
● Cook in a pan at medium heat with 125ml water for 30-45 minutes until soft stirring regularly. Let it cool and add the sugar and vanilla essence.
● Whip the cream until it holds its shape.
● Assemble your trifle in a large serving bowl, preferably glass, so you can see the layers.
● Place a layer of cake at the bottom and then alternate cake, cream, apple compote, figs, the pomegranates and dates, finishing with the dates.
● Keep in fridge and serve at room temperature.


8 apples, Jazz or golden
2 tbsp caster sugar
1 tbsp vanilla essence
300ml double cream (use pareve cream if preferred)
3 large pomegranates deseeded
6 fresh figs washed and quartered
One honey cake sliced thinly
10 Medjool dates, halved