ByFabienne Viner-Luzzato, Victoria Prever
Crunchy nuts make a delicious change from matzah meal for these tasty goujons.
Serves: 6
Preparation: 30 minutes
Cooking: 15 minutes
6 large skinned plaice fillets, cut into goujons
100g ground almonds
100g ground walnuts
100g ground pistachios
5 large eggs (three whole and 2 yolks)
1 lemon
Spray a few oven trays with vegetable oil and preheat your oven to 180°C.
Wash the fish and pat dry.
Beat three eggs, season them and add the fish, coating it well with the egg mixture.
Put the nuts on three plates.
Dip 1/3rd of the goujons in the almonds, 1/3rd in the walnuts and the last 1/3rd into the pistachios, making sure you coat them on all sides.
Cook for 15 minutes turning the fish fillets half way through the cooking time.
In the meantime prepare your mayonnaise. I use a tiny whisk.
Place the 2 yolks in a medium sized bowl and, adding a drop of oil at a time, whisk the yolks very thoroughly before adding the next drop; this process should take 10 minutes until the mayonnaise is ready and firm. If it is too thick add a tiny bit of water to thin it. Season with salt, pepper, and fresh thyme
Halve the lemon; cut one half in small pieces leaving the skin on. Cut away the skin from the other half and cut the flesh into segments. Place them on top of the mayonnaise.
Serve hot or at room temperature.