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Leek and mushroom frittata

A perfect Passover standby for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

March 29, 2018 08:22
1 min read

Cook: 25 minutes

Serves: 6

It keeps for 3-4 days in the fridge, making it great when you’re in a rush. You could also add cheddar cheese, feta or another protein source to the mixture — the list of what you can add is endless. Roasted root vegetables such as sweet potato add colour and texture.


1 tbsp rapeseed oil

500g trimmed leeks, top and tail, sliced thinly

350g close cap mushrooms, peeled and stalk removed, sliced thinly

125g shiitake mushrooms, stalk removed, sliced thinly

1 handful coriander, finely chopped

2 tbsp agave or honey

2 tbsp Passover “soy sauce”

12 large eggs

Sea salt and white pepper

Garlic granules