On the sixth day of Chanukah Tunisians celebrate Rosh Hodesh El Bneit or Fete des Filles — the festival of the girls. Girls are the centre of attention for that day. They receive presents from their parents and fiancées and farka — a Tunisian sweet cake of couscous, walnuts and dried fruit is served.
You will need a large sieve that will fit over a large pan in order to steam the couscous.
- In a bowl, wash the couscous. Let it drain on the sieve.
- Reserve the whole walnuts and a few dried cranberries and raisins for the decoration.
- Return the drained couscous to the bowl and add the sugar, sunflower oil, ground walnuts and the remaining mixed cranberries and raisins.
- Cut the dates in small pieces and add them to the couscous.
- Mix all the ingredients in the bowl if possible by hand or with a large fork in order to blend them all together and mash the dates almost to a puree in the couscous.
- Half fill a large pan with water and bring to the boil. Place the mixture in the large sieve and place it over the pan of simmering water. Cover the sieve with a lid.
- Steam the covered couscous for approximately 30-45 minutes, stirring regularly to make sure all the ingredients blend together. Do not let the pan boil dry.
- Let it cool and add the orange juice and zest and a few drops of almonds extract.
- Mix well and put in a square 22-25cm dish. Decorate with walnuts, dried cranberries and raisins and refrigerate overnight.
- Serve on the sixth day of Chanukah.