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Chanukah chocolate yoyo bouquets

Who could resist a bunch of these mini doughnuts?

December 10, 2020 11:43
yoyos L IMG_0500
Photo: Inbal Bar-Oz

Serves: 20

These Tunisian mini doughnuts are adorable served on a plate, but even cuter arranged as flowers. To turn yours into blooms, you’lll need cake pop sticks/cocktail sticks and a polystyrene dome or similar on which to “plant” the sticks so the chocolate can cool and harden. If giving this as a gift, you could cover the dome with colourful paper.

Instagram: fabienne_viner_luzzato/


1 egg

25g caster sugar

1 tsp vanilla sugar

3 tbsp sunflower oil plus 500ml to fry

150g self-raising flour approx

100g white chocolate

100g milk chocolate

100g dark chocolate

Sprinkles of all sorts

Mini chocolate decorations of your choice