
Chocolate lollipops for Purim

These are such fun to make and will go down very well when given to your friends and family.

February 22, 2018 09:09

ByFabienne Viner-Luzzato, Fabienne Viner-Luzzato

1 min read

Cook: 1 hour to set

Serves: 12


Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie (place the chocolate in a glass bowl set over a pan filled about a third full with simmering water. The water shouldn’t touch the bowl and you should ensure no water goes in the bowl or the chocolate may seize.

Place some sprinkles, popping candy or coconut on the bottom of each mould.

Rest a lollipop stick in the mould so the tip sits halfway along - at the the middle of the cavity.

Spoon enough chocolate into each mould so it covers the stick.

Use a mixture of plain, milk and white chocolates if you like.

Refrigerate to set - it should take one hour maximum.

Carefully unmould the lollipops, wrap in cellophane bags and tie with ribbons.


400g chocolate (milk, dark or white or a mixture or each)

Sprinkles of different colours or popping candy or toasted desiccated coconut.

12 lollipop sticks

Lollipop moulds