A super easy showstopper for your Pesach table
March 18, 2021 09:10Brownie base:
180g dark chocolate (minimum 55% cocoa solids)
120g butter (or 100g coconut oil or any non-dairy butter)
180g caster sugar
4 eggs
Pinch of salt
90g cornflour (you can substitute for matzah meal – finest one you can find)
60g shelled pistachios (not roasted), coarsely chopped
Mousse layer:
250g dark chocolate
600ml double cream (or parev alternative. Or use the solid part of tinned coconut cream)
50g roasted and salted pistachios (shelled), chopped
Chocolate ganache drip:
100g dark chocolate
120ml double cream/ coconut cream / non-dairy alternative
50g salted, roasted pistachios, chopped