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Year in review: Politics 2016

Was it a completely grim year in politics for British Jews?

December 29, 2016 09:25
2 min read

If a week is a long time in politics, then 2016 has felt like a decade. Reviewing the past 12 months in one column barely seems plausible  a book would be more appropriate.

But focusing just on the impact on British Jewry of events in Westminster and other political arenas produces a result you might not expect.

Everyone knows the stand-out issue of the year was Labour’s inability to deal with antisemitism in its ranks. The story has done the rounds more times than a plate of greasy latkes at an interminable Chanukah party, and has been about as palatable.

Two days stood out for me as incomprehensibly crazy, even in this most mind-boggling of years.