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From Dylan to Rinder, the world of Jewish arts in 2016

Bob Dylan won a Nobel Prize, Judge Rinder wiggled his tuchas in Strictly and Carole King sang in Hyde Park 2016 may have been a grim year in many ways, but in the world of arts and entertainment there was much to cheer.

December 29, 2016 12:00

ByKeren David, Keren David

2 min read

Our theatre critic, John Nathan’s highlights include two shows inspired by Jewish artists:The Lovers of Vitebsk at The Sam Wanamaker theatre, a magical retelling of the life of Chagall. The Pianist of Willesden Lane at the St James Theatre was an evening of music and drama, inspired by performer Mona Golombek’s family story. He also loved David Baddiel’s blisteringly frank one-man show My Family, Not the Sitcom. I’d add another contender for Jewish theatrical production of the year, the Manchester Royal Exchange’s adaptation of Howard Jacobson’s The Mighty Walzer. Not only was this our most Jewish novelist’s most Jewish book — complete with an exhibition in the foyer about Jewish table tennis in the 1950s, courtesy of Manchester’s Jewish Museum — but it also boasted brilliant performances by a cast including Tracy-Anne Oberman and Elliot Levey.

In film, the stand out was unquestionably Son of Saul, Hungarian film-maker László Nemes’s extraordinary debut, which, though made in 2015, went on general release in the UK in April. Nemes had the courage to set his film in the heart of the Auschwitz killing machine, and the art and humanity to make it unbearable and yet watchable. “Even in the darkest hour of mankind, there might be a voice within us that allows us to remain human,” he said, accepting the Oscar for Best Foreign Film.

Other films of note include two Philip Roth adaptations —with James Schamus’s, Indignation, starring Jewish actor Logan Lerman, beating American Pastoral hands down, according to our critic Anne Joseph. My own Jewish film of the year was a Dutch rom com Moos, a sweet coming-of- age tale by director Job Gosschalk, with more heart and wisdom than anything from Hollywood this year.

Drake had a new album, Jess Glynne continued to top the singles chart, and Craig David had the comeback of the century, but stars of an older vintage outshone them. Paul Simon’s tour was a triumph, Carole King’s Hyde Park concert was a dream come true for fans, and then Bob Dylan topped them all by winning the Nobel Prize for Literature.