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Why won't my Charedi community accept my son is gay?

'I love my son with all my heart, I accept him for who he is and want nothing more than for him to live a healthy, fulfilling and Jewishly-connected life, surrounded by people who feel the same way about him'.

October 3, 2019 15:53
4 min read

"I’m sorry but you can’t contact me any longer. What you’ve said is disgusting and I can’t help you.”

With that, my 16-year-old son’s madrich (youth group leader) ended their call and that was the last time they ever spoke.

What had my son said to his madrich to provoke his appalled response?

Quite simply, he had asked him for help. He had reached out to a young adult he respected, a frum university student who had gone through the Orthodox school and yeshivah system and had told him that he was struggling with the knowledge that he was gay.