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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


Where next after UCU ruling?

April 15, 2013 09:53
3 min read

In 2011, the University College Union repudiated the "working definition" of antisemitism promulgated by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism. This definition, while permitting criticism of Israel as of any other state, nonetheless included among its examples of antisemitic conduct, "manifestations" that "target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity."

It declared that, among those modes of conduct worthy to be characterised as antisemitic, is the denial of the right of Jewish people to self-determination by (for example) claiming that the very existence of a Jewish state is a racist endeavour.

This portrayal was not at all to the liking of a cadre of UCU activists pledged to the boycott of Israel (and even to its destruction) and, having persuaded the UCU to ditch the working definition, they proceeded to use their new-found freedom to relaunch, via the union, a vicious propaganda war against Israel and those who identified with it.

There was a predictable exit of members (both Jewish and non-Jewish) from the union - further, that is, to previous exits occasioned by the UCU's ongoing obsession with the demonisation of the Jewish state.